Famous Nobel Prize Winners

This is the live link of the project that I have created for the assignment i have given "https://nobel-price-winners.netlify.app/"

What is used in this Project:

In this project i have used several things. Explantion of these things have given below:

--- React

--- Css

--- JS

React was the main base of this project and in the middle I had to use CSS and JS to give it a proper dynamic look. Other than that I have used some other thing, which are:

--- Font Awesome

--- React Social Media

So, these are the things I had to use in this project.

What is this website for?

This is a website for you to see some great minds among the universe who had been rewarded for thir work.

You will see Einstein for the theory of reletivity. Mother Teresa for her amazing work for human. Marie Curie for giving us the light of the physics and chemistry. She was the only woman who got Nobel in 2 different categories too and many other great men and woman who have given us so much more.

So it is a website for making a get together of the greatest mind on earht and you will get to know about them to be inspired and inspire others.