Welcome to Colon D

Colon D Movie Reviewer: The best movie reviewer ever

TA Database Project by Group 3

*Author note: `Colon D` is typed as :D

This project is developed in flask and coded in python. Includes basic authentication that stores in the database. Password is hashed for safety. Movie and director database is adopted from https://www.imdb.com/interfaces/ . All posters from the movies are gotten from a webscraper looking for images in Google Images, and saved as cache.

Available in jasoncoding.com/colond !

How to install:

For development

  1. Clone project and login
git clone https://github.com/nakamarusun/colon-d-movie-review.git
cd colon-d-movie-review
  1. Create a virtual environment for Python 3 (Google if don't know :( )
python -m venv venv
  1. Activate the virtual environment, and install libs
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Make environment variable for flask app Windows:
set FLASK_APP=ColonD

Linux / Mac:

export FLASK_APP=ColonD
  1. Copy and rename conf.json_template to conf.json and configure it by yourself
  2. Create the database and tables using the command
flask init-db
  1. Run the flask project, and access using
flask run

For operational server

wsgi.py is already made for the server, just have to select it in the server configuration page.