This module enables the use of custom markers with clustering support in MapLibre.
import { PhotoPoint, PhotoCluster, PhotoExtension } from '../src/maplibre-gl-photo-cluster.js';
<script type="module">
import { PhotoPoint, PhotoCluster, PhotoExtension } from '../src/maplibre-gl-photo-cluster.js';
const map = new maplibregl.Map({
container: 'map',
style: '',
center: [139.767, 35.681],
zoom: 12
// Add extention
new PhotoExtension(map);
// Create photo points
const photo1 = new PhotoPoint([139.767, 35.681], 'https://xxx.png');
const photo2 = new PhotoPoint([139.7000, 35.6900],'https://yyy.png');
// Add properties
photo1.addProperties("caption", "name1");
photo2.addProperties("caption", "name2");
// Create photo cluster
const photos = new PhotoCluster();
map.on('load', () => {
// Add photo cluster
source: photos, // PhotoCluster object
shape: "square", // square or circle
popup: true, // true or false
clickFunction: testFunction // function for click event
// Example function
function testFunction() {
MapLibre v1.14.0 ~ v4.5.2
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2024 nakamori1024