
F# Lightweight Web API Framework

Primary LanguageF#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Enku - F# Lightweight Web API Framework

Enku encourages you to build Web API in a F#-way.

  • Simple
  • Powerful
  • Functional


To install Enku, run the following command in the Package Manager Console.

PM> Install-Package Enku


Self Host Example

Self Host Example requires SelfHost package. To install SelfHost, run the following command in the Package Manager Console.

PM> Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.SelfHost

This example application listens to http://localhost:9090/. By default, listening at a particular HTTP address requires administrator privileges. When you run this application, therefore, you may get this error: "HTTP could not register URL http://+:9090/" There are two ways to avoid this error:

  • Run Visual Studio with elevated administrator permissions, or
  • Use Netsh.exe to give your account permissions to reserve the URL.
open System
open System.Web.Http
open System.Web.Http.SelfHost
open Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization
open Enku

// configuration
let config = new HttpSelfHostConfiguration("http://localhost:9090/")
config.IncludeErrorDetailPolicy <- IncludeErrorDetailPolicy.Always
config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver <- CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver()
let route = Routing.route config

// routing
route "example" <| fun _ -> 
    get, fun req -> async {
      return Content.json "Accept GET" |> Response.Ok }

    put <|> post, fun req -> async {
      let! content = Request.asyncReadAsString req
      return Content.json ("Accept PUT or POST: content=" + content) |> Response.Ok }

    any, fun req -> async {
      return Content.json "Accept any HTTP methods" |> Response.Ok }
  fun req e -> Content.error e |> Response.InternalServerError

// run server
let server = new HttpSelfHostServer(config)
printfn "Server running at http://localhost:9090/"
Console.ReadKey () |> ignore



Web Host Example

Create a C# ASP.NET MVC 4 project with the Web API template. Add a F# library project and then create a following module.

namespace Api

open System.Web.Http
open Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization
open Enku

module WebApiConfig =

  let register (config: HttpConfiguration) =
    config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver <- CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver()
    let route = Routing.route config

    // routing
    route "example" <| fun _ -> 
        get, fun req -> async {
          return Content.json "Accept GET" |> Response.Ok }

        put <|> post, fun req -> async {
          let! content = Request.asyncReadAsString req
          return Content.json ("Accept PUT or POST: content=" + content) |> Response.Ok }

        any, fun req -> async {
          return Content.json "Accept any HTTP methods" |> Response.Ok }
      fun req e -> Content.error e |> Response.InternalServerError

In Global.asax, use the above WebApiConfig module instead of the original WebApiConfig class.



Apache License, Version 2.0
