
Markdown editor with esteroids

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hi i'm Mark.. Markdroids

I'm a Markdown editor but special, Why?, because i have Shortcodes.


What can Markdroids do?

  • Rich Markdown Editing: I offer a user-friendly interface for creating and editing Markdown documents with a visual approach.

  • Custom Shortcodes: Enhance your content using Shortcodes, which effortlessly apply various functions and styles without the need for manual Markdown coding.

  • Text Alignment: Utilize Shortcodes to align text to the left, right, center, or justify, ensuring precise text layout.

  • Table Creation: Easily generate tables using Shortcodes, streamlining the process of creating complex tables.

  • Task Lists: Create to-do lists with Shortcodes for managing tasks and pending items.

  • Column Layouts: Divide your content into columns with Shortcodes, facilitating information organization in multi-column designs.

  • Colorful Notes: Craft highlighted notes in various colors with Shortcodes, making it easy to emphasize essential information.

  • HTML Export: Save your work in Markdown and HTML formats for seamless integration with other systems and platforms.

  • Contextual Menu: A contextual menu is available with all Shortcodes and shortcuts for inserting Lorem Ipsum text, tasks, tables, and headers, enhancing your productivity.

  • Custom CSS: You can customize the styling of your content using your own CSS.


This documentation provides information about various ShortCodes and their usage within your application. Shortcodes are an efficient way to enhance and format your content with minimal effort.

Icon List Information

Icon Description
This icon is used to trigger a render preview. It likely shows a rendering or preview of some content or design.
This icon is used to save content or data to Deta Drive, similar to how a floppy disk icon is traditionally associated with saving data.
Clicking this icon allows you to save a file in HTML format.
Clicking this icon allows you to save a file in Markdown format.
Clicking this icon allows to show Html output.
This icon is associated with showing a dialog or modal that provides help and assistance to the user. It's often used to offer guidance or information about the application's features.
This icon allows users to switch between light and dark modes. It's commonly found in applications to adjust the theme or appearance of the interface.
Clicking this icon initiates the printing of a document or result, typically in a format suitable for a physical printer.
Clicking on this icon will grant you access to the image gallery, allowing you to upload images for your document.
Clicking this icon opens a dialog menu specifically for managing Deta drive files. It provides options for interacting with files stored in Deta Drive.
Clicking this icon typically opens a settings menu, allowing users to customize the application, including options like changing custom CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

List of ShortCodes

Shortcode Description
Details Use the details shortcode to create expandable sections
Color Add color to your text using the color shortcode
Justify Align your text with full justification.
Center Center-align your text.
Right Right-align your text.
Divider Insert a simple divider to separate content.
Note Create notes with different styles such as success, info, or danger.
Columns Divide content into two or three columns for better readability.
Boxes/Box Simple and easy responsive boxes.
Comment Include comments to annotate your content.
Header Generate Markdown headers to structure your content.
Tasks Create task lists with checkboxes.
Table Generate Markdown tables easily.
Img Insert image with inside div with class option.
Grid Wraps [Img] width grid class, perfect for galleries.
Lorem Generate placeholder text (lorem ipsum).
Youtube Embed Youtube videos by specifying the video ID.
Archive Embed videos from Archive.org.
Dtube Embed Dtube videos.
Dailymotion Embed videos from Dailymotion.


Use the DetailsShortCodes to create expandable sections that reveal additional information when clicked.

[Details name="More info" open]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.[/Details]

Change the text color using the `Color`ShortCodes.

[Color name="#f55"]Red[/Color]
[Color name="rgb(0 0 255)"]Blue[/Color]
[Color name="green"]Green[/Color]



Use the Justify ShortCode to fully justify your text.

[Justify]Your fully justified text goes here.[/Justify]


Right-align your text using the Right ShortCode.

[Right]Your right-aligned text goes here.[/Right]


Insert dividers to separate sections of your content.



Note (Success)

Create success notes to highlight important information.

[Note name="success"]This is a success note.[/Note]

**Note (Info)**Generate informational notes to convey relevant details.

[Note name="info"]This is an info note.[/Note]

**Note (Danger)**Use danger notes to alert readers about potential risks.

[Note name="danger"]This is a danger note.[/Note]

Columns (Use only for text and images, use Boxes for other elements)

Divide your content into multiple columns for a more organized presentation.

[Columns num=2]Content for two columns goes here.[/Columns]

Three Columns

[Columns num=3]Content for three columns goes here.[/Columns]


Simple and easy responsive boxes.

    [Box num=1] Column 1 [/Box]
    [Box num=1 class="extend class"] Column 1 [/Box]

2 Columns

    [Box num=2] Column 1/2 [/Box]
    [Box num=2] Column 1/2 [/Box]

Center Column 1/2

[Boxes class="center"]
    [Box num=2] Column 1/2 [/Box]

3 Columns

    [Box num=3] Column 1/3 [/Box]
    [Box num=3] Column 1/3 [/Box]
    [Box num=3] Column 1/3 [/Box]

4 Columns

    [Box num=4] Column 1/4 [/Box]
    [Box num=4] Column 1/4 [/Box]
    [Box num=4] Column 1/4 [/Box]
    [Box num=4] Column 1/4 [/Box]


Combine with the ShortCode [Img] to create galleries.

Note: Grid only work with html or Img ShortCode. if you like use Markdown use [Grid md]and remember you can use custom css.

    [Img src="https://i.ibb.co/D8TSt0T/atle-mo-h-KWXt-AXe-Xco-unsplash.jpg"]
    [Img src="https://i.ibb.co/NmdC1J3/alessandro-viaro-fw-Wj5-Y1-Ig-Qg-unsplash.jpg"]
    [Img src="https://i.ibb.co/t87wPBh/atle-mo-rqyq-OGf1-RV0-unsplash.jpg"]
    [Img src="https://i.ibb.co/Vt2SFZk/austin-schmid-65-F-502jo-DA-unsplash.jpg"]
    [Img src="https://i.ibb.co/6RNQsYV/averie-woodard-F-m-WO-dz-NNI-unsplash.jpg"]
    [Img src="https://i.ibb.co/NLsFswB/chris-abney-q-P76-Vx1zps-unsplash.jpg"]
    [Img src="https://i.ibb.co/L84XfpV/christiann-koepke-9-IY4az8knqc-unsplash.jpg"]
    [Img src="https://i.ibb.co/XCRjJQJ/david-joyce-Etxza-BKEv-E4-unsplash.jpg"]


Extend Markdown image

// Basic
[Img src="source"]

// Advanced
[Img src="source" cls="wrap classname" href="url" alt="img description"]


Include comments to provide additional context or explanations.

[Comment]This is a comment.[/Comment]


Embed videos from various platforms using dedicated ShortCodes.

[Youtube id="YourYoutubeVideoID" width="100%" height="100%"]


[Archive id="YourArchiveVideoID" width="100%" height="100%"]


[Dtube id="YourDtubeVideoID" width="100%" height="100%"]


[Dailymotion id="YourDailymotionVideoID"]

This documentation serves as a comprehensive guide to using these ShortCodes effectively. Experiment with them to enhance the presentation of your content and provide a richer user experience.


List of available endpoints

// Get all public files
// Get only one
// Get all photos

Uid is a Json with key and update in base64.