
Dummy mvn project with Brooklyn dependencies

Primary LanguageJava


This is a Sample Brooklyn project, showing how to write a Java-based entity and build it as an OSGi bundle that can be used in a Brooklyn catalog.

This sample project is intended to be customized to suit your purposes: but search for all lines containing the word "sample" or "acme" to make sure all the references to this being a sample are removed!

To easily find the bits you should customize, do a:

grep -ri sample src/ *.*


To build an assembly, simply run:

mvn clean install

This creates an OSGi bundle at:


Opening in an IDE

To open this project in an IDE, you will need maven support enabled (e.g. with the relevant plugin). You should then be able to develop it and run it as usual. For more information on IDE support, visit:


Brooklyn Catalog

The new blueprint can be added to the Brooklyn catalog using the sample.bom file. located in src/test/resources. You will first have to copy the target jar to a suitable location, and update the URL in sample.bom pointing at that jar.

The command below will use the REST api to add this to the catalog of a running Brooklyn instance:

curl -u admin:pa55w0rd --data-binary @src/test/resources/sample.bom

The YAML blueprint below shows an example usage of this blueprint:

name: my sample
- type: com.acme.MySampleInCatalog:1.0

Testing Entities

This project comes with unit tests that demonstrate how to test entities, both within Java and also using YAML-based blueprints.

A strongly recommended way is to write a YAML test blueprint using the test framework, and making
this available to anyone who will use your entity. This will allow users to easily run the test blueprint in their own environment (simply by deploying it to their own Brooklyn server) to confirm that the entity is working as expected. An example is shown in src/test/resources/sample-test.yaml.

More About Apache Brooklyn

Apache Brooklyn is a code library and framework for managing applications in a cloud-first dev-ops-y way. It has been used to create this sample project which shows how to define an application and entities for Brooklyn.

For more information consider:


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