
Updated New York Times Search Project

Primary LanguageHTML


Updated New York Times Search Project

Link to deployed version: https://nakrap.github.io/nytimesSearch/

Problem: Create a website using a New York Times search API that would output New York Times articles using a specified search term, limit of articles (5,10 or 15) as well as being between a certain time period.

Solution: For this we split up into a group and then split that group into three sub-groups. One worked on the UI, another the API/Ajax repsonse and another worked on creating the proper scripting code to match our users inputs. To build the UI, used Bootstrap, HTML5 and CSS3. For the API we used a jQuery Ajax call to retrieve the corresponding data. And using jQuery/Javascript we were able to take the data we retrieved and update our page with the proper content.

Technical Approach: Using the education we have garnered from Northwestern University's Full Stack Web Development program, and more specifically with HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, FontAwesome, Javascript ES5, jQuery and even more specifically Ajax, we were able to complete a quality version of this project.