
1. Overview

You are required to use the JAX-RS/Jersey, Java RMI and JAXB frameworks to develop a simple Car Hire Booking System. A Web Client page should provide users with the ability to Create/Modify/Update/Delete bookings for a specific vehicle for a given set of dates. The Web Client will interact with a RESTful JAX-RS Web Service for bookings which is deployed on Apache Tomcat Server. The RESTful Web Service will act as a RMI client to a RMI Database Server which will handle persistence.

2. Minimum Requirements

Your implementation should include the following features (at a minimum):

(A) Simple Web Client (Java JSP/Servlet or .NET equivalent if preferred)

  1. A Web Client will act as a GUI for the entire Car Hire Booking System. This GUI will allow a booking to be Created, Read, Updated or Deleted. (N.B. do not spend too much time on the styling and layout of the Web Client; basic unstyled HTML forms, tables and buttons etc. will suffice as this is not a client-side web development project). The Web Client will communicate with the RESTful Web Service below, using XML for marshalling and unmarshalling of data.

(B) RESTful Web Service (JAX-RS/Jersey)

  1. Design a RESTful Web Service using JAX-RS/Jersey which will act as the gateway for all clients which wish to use the Car Hire Booking System. Clients will be able to access CRUD functionality for car hire bookings using the GET, POST, PUT and DELETE methods. This class will be responsible for marshalling/unmarshalling data to/from XML for all Web Client requests/responses. This class will also act as a client for the RMI Database Server.

(C) Data Modelling

  1. An appropriate data model will be required for all classes/entities which are part of a car hire booking (e.g. Customer, Vehicle, Booking). This data model will be in the form of an XML Schema Definition. The xjc (XML to Java Converter) utility may then be used to generate the appropriate Java classes from the schema.

(D) RMI Database Server

  1. A remote interface called DatabaseService should expose remote methods which provide CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) functionality for each of the entities which have you modelled. This interface definition must be available to the RMI Database Server and the RMI Client. Objects sent or received via RMI will be required to implement the interface.
  2. An implementation of the DatabaseService interface called DatabaseServiceImpl will handle persistence and CRUD functionality using a database of your choice (e.g. JDBC).
  3. ServiceSetup will contain a main method which instantiates DatabaseServiceImpl and binds the Remote Object into the RMI registry using the name “databaseservice”.

How to download And Run Project

  • Git clone the project Clone Download
  • Change to the folder where you cloned it.
  • Open eclipse jee
  • In the Navigation Bar go to file
    • Open from file system
    • Browse where it is
    • import it
  • Do that to all the projects
  • Run RMI as java application
    • you have to add the mysql connector which is included in the project
    • right click , properties , build path , libraries , add external jars
  • Run jersey application on tomcat
    • Add tomcat 9
  • Run spring app
  • http://localhost:8081/index.html Works on this url
  • When you run the project with Spring boot the password is user and username is user
  • You need Wamp to run the project the mysql file is included with some values.