
Student Submissions for the WWDC 2017 Scholarship

WWDC 2017

WWDC 2017 Scholarship Submissions

List of student submissions for the WWDC 2017 scholarship. To add your own below, just edit this file and submit a pull request!

Name Source Videos Technologies Status
Amanda Southworth GitHub UIKit, Core Animation Submitted
Antonio Zaitoun GitHub YouTube UIKit, Core Graphics, Core Animation,Gesture Recognizer, AVFoundation Submitted
Arved Viehweger GitHub YouTube UIKit, SpriteKit, AVFoundation, CoreGraphics Submitted
Charles Truluck GitHub SceneKit, UIKitDynamics, Core Animation Submitted
Christian Schnorr GitHub Swift, UIKitDynamics Submitted
Clemens Brockschmidt GitHub SpriteKit, UIKit Submitted
Darius Kuddo YouTube MetalKit, Accelerate, AVFoundation, SIMD Vector Library Submitted
Galal Hassan GitHub
Gautham Elango git.gcubed.co Swift, SpriteKit, UIKit, Machine Learning, Minimax Submitted
Guoye Zhang GitHub PlaygroundBook, Storyboard Submitted
Hammad Jutt GitHub GIF UIKit, Core Animation Submitted
Hari SceneKit, UIKit, Core Motion Submitted
Hengyu GitHub
Jai Bhavnani Gesture Recognizer, Core Animation, SpriteKit, UIKit, AVFoundation, Core Graphics, Core Images
Jordan Osterberg SpriteKit, CoreMotion Submitted
Jose Antonio González GitHub SpriteKit, SceneKit, QuartzCore, PlaygroundBook Submitted
Juan David Cruz GitHub SpriteKit, UIKit, CoreAnimation, AV Foundation, Core Motion, AVSpeechSynthesizer, Gesture Recognizer Submitted
Kabir Oberai GitHub AVFoundation, Core Graphics, SpriteKit Submitted
Kush Taneja GitHub YouTube UIKit, SpriteKit, Core Animation, AVFoundation, AudioToolbox, AVSpeechSynthesizer, Gesture Recognizer Submitted
Kyle Spadaro GitHub SpriteKit, UIKit, AVFoundation Submitted
Matthijs Logemann GitHub YouTube SpriteKit, Swift Playgrounds (iOS), HTML, UIKit Submitted
Mitchell Sweet Coming Soon YouTube SpriteKit, UIKit Submitted
Mohamed Salah GitHub Youtube SceneKit, AVFoundation, UIKit Submitted
Nicholas G GitHub YouTube SceneKit, SpriteKit, UIKit Submitted
Nikita Pankiv GitHub UIKit, Core Graphics, AVFoundation Submitted
Pannatier Arnaud GitHub UIKit Submitted
Patrick Balestra GitHub YouTube SceneKit, AppKit Submitted
Rahul M GitHub SpriteKit, UIKit, AVFoundation Submitted
Richter Brzeski Update Soon Accelerate, Core Graphics, UIKit, AVFoundation, QuartzCore
Ross Freeman GitHub UIKit, AVFoundation, CoreAnimation Submitted
Salman Husain GitHub YouTube SpriteKit, PlaygroundBook, SpeechSynth Submitted
Sam Eckert SpriteKit, PlaygroundBook, AVKit, AV Foundation, UIKit Submitted
Shunzhe Ma YouTube SceneKit, PlaygroundBook, Core Animation, Core Graphics, AV Foundation, Gesture Recognizer, Local File Manager Submitted
Stergios Hetelekides GitHub UIKit, PlaygroundSupport, Core Graphics Submitted
Taras Nikulin GitHub Youtube UIKit, BezierPath, Algorithms, PlaygroundSupport Submitted
Weiran Du UIKit, AVFoundation, Minimax, PlaygroundSupport, Core Graphics Submitted
William Taylor YouTube SpriteKit, AV Foundation, UIKit Submitted
Zach Simone GitHub SpriteKit, UIKit Submitted