Created as a part of Udacity's Android Developer Nanodegree Program.
The app uses Google's Custom Search JSON API to get recipe images in order to handle lack of server data.
To use the app add a file named at the root project directory containing the string googleapikey="xxx" where xxx is a valid Google API key
The app follows the master/detail flow design concept and makes use of fragments. In tablets, a master list fragment causes fragment transactions and replaces a media and a step description fragment which are present in the layout. In mobile phones, the master list fragment directs the user to a separate activity. The latter uses a ViewPager which allows the user to navigate between recipe steps by swiping. These steps are fragments that include the aforementioned media and step description fragments as nested fragments.
A collection widget lists the ingredients of the last visited recipe.
Finally, the app makes use of Espresso for UI testing.
For some screenshots and a video click here