A python module and CLI to capture and emit events from your tilt hydrometer
I've been unhappy with the quality/inconsistency of what I've seen out there in terms of random scripts that capture. No tests, no pluggable emitters, hard to find, etc.
The tilt essentially broadcasts iBeacon packets to send out a uuid (which type of tilt it is), a major (the temp in F), and a minor (the specific gravity).
This will capture those whenever theyre transmitted and emit them to a backend of your choosing so that you can graph it over time asynchronously.
The Tilt supports writing to a google doc which you could use with something like IFTTT or Zapier, but this is much lighter and lets you decide how you want to push that out with a pluggable backend system.
- stdout
- Webhooks
- Generic (Send to any endpoint with any type)
- Brewstat.us (Example below)
- BrewersFriend (Example below)
- InfluxDB
- Datadog (dogstatsd)
- SQLite
- Google Sheets (experimental/advanced)
- Prometheus (via pushgateway)
$ cat <<EOF >config.ini
sleep_interval = 2 # defaults to 1
logging_level = DEBUG # defaults to INFO
logfile = /var/log/foo.log # defaults to stdout
# stdout example
# This is advanced. TODO: write up how to provide an access/refresh token
refresh_token = 11111111111111111111111111
client_id = 111111-1111.apps.googleusercontent.com
client_secret = 1111111111111111
spreadsheet_id = 1BxiMVs0XRA5nFMdKvBdBZjgmUUqptlbs74OgvE2upms
# SQLite example
file = /etc/tilty/tilt.sqlite
# Generic application/json example
url = http://www.foo.com
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
payload_template = {"color": "{{ color }}", "gravity": {{ gravity }}, "mac": "{{ mac }}", "temp": {{ temp }}, "timestamp": "{{ timestamp }}"}
method = POST
delay_minutes = 1 # cause a minimum delay between webhook emits
# Brewstat.us example
url = https://www.brewstat.us/tilt/0yjRbGd2/log
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"}
payload_template = {"Color": "{{ color }}", "SG": {{ gravity }}, "Temp": {{ temp }}, "Timepoint": "{{ timestamp }}"}
method = POST
# Brewers Friend example
url = https://log.brewersfriend.com/tilt/3009ec67c6d81276185c90824951bd32bg
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
payload_template = {"SG": {{ gravity }}, "Temp": {{ temp }}, "Color": "{{ color }}"}
method = POST
# Brewfather custom stream example
url = https://log.brewfather.net/stream?id=aTHF9WlXKrAb1C
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
payload_template = {"name": "Tilt {{ color }}", "gravity": {{ gravity }}, "gravity_unit": "G", "temp": {{ temp }}, "temp_unit": "F"}
method = POST
url = influxdb.corp.com
port = 80
database = tilty
gravity_payload_template = {"measurement": "gravity", "tags": {"color": "{{ color }}", "mac": "{{ mac }}"}, "fields": {"value": {{ gravity }}}}
temperature_payload_template = {"measurement": "temperature", "tags": {"color": "{{ color }}", "mac": "{{ mac }}"}, "fields": {"value": {{ temp }}}}
# `% curl -s -G 'http://influxdb.service.consul:8086/query?pretty=true' --data-urlencode "db=tilty" --data-urlencode 'q=SELECT "value", "mac", "color" FROM "autogen"."gravity"' | jq '.results[].series[].values[0]'`
# Note: make sure that the dd agent has DD_DOGSTATSD_NON_LOCAL_TRAFFIC=true
host = statsdhost.corp.com
port = 8125
url = localhost:80
gravity_gauge_name = tilty_gravity_g
temp_gauge_name = tilty_temperature_f
labels = {"color": "{{ color }}", "mac": "{{ mac }}"}
job_name = tilty
$ tilty
$ # Or from docker ( generate config into $cwd/config/config.ini )
$ docker run -it \
-v $(pwd)/config:/etc/tilty \
--net=host \
myoung34/tilty:latest \
-r --config-file /etc/tilty/config.ini
$ git clone https://github.com/myoung34/tilty
$ pip install -e .
$ docker run -it -v $(pwd):/src -w /src --entrypoint /bin/sh python:3.7-alpine
$ apk add -U openssl-dev alpine-sdk libffi-dev python3-dev py3-bluez bluez-dev
$ pip3 install poetry
$ poetry install
$ poetry run tox
To test locally (and without using my tilty): I use iBeacon on android and set:
- UUID to one of the ones listed in here
- Major to a temperature in F
- Minor to an SG*1000