
hardware arduino project for building orienteering clock

Primary LanguageEagle


This is work-in-progress project to build orienteering clock, currently in prototyping phase. I will put more information here when it will be completed.


  • src/ - Arduino prototype source for driving multiplexed LED display and time counting. It's best to link this folder to your Arduino projects folder:
  in Windows:
  > mklink /D c:\Users\$USER\Documents\Arduino\orienteering_clock c:\proj\orienteering_clock\src

  in Linux:
  $ ln -s src /home/$USER/sketchbook/orienteering_clock
  • schematics/ - EAGLE and PDF schematics of prototype parts. It's best to link this folder to your Eagle library:
  in Windows:
  > mklink /D c:\Users\$USER\Documents\eagle\orienteering-clock C:\proj\orienteering_clock\schematics

  in Linux:
  $ ln -s schematics /home/$USER/eagle/orienteering-clock

  • doc/ - documentation of parts, etc.