
NXP/Quintic QN902x BLE python MQTT server

Primary LanguagePython

This turns cheap Quintic based wrist band into MQTT button.

Example usage:

	./quintic.py # runs mqtt for wristband
	mosquitto_pub -t quintic/cmd -m button

This code is based on gist: https://gist.github.com/ali1234/ac9170132e5abfc5381353428e70f1d9
which is linked from web post at https://www.schlafhacking.de/blog/?p=97

NXP site:

QN9021: Ultra low power Bluetooth LE system-on-chip solution


sudo apt-get install python-pip libglib2.0-dev
sudo pip install bluepy


On Raspberry Pi 3 if you get follwing error:

	bluepy.btle.BTLEException: Failed to connect to peripheral 08:7C:BE:92:85:23, addr type: public


	sudo systemctl restart hciuart
	sudo systemctl restart bluetooth

To reset all current connections to bluetooth devices.

For serial access see:
