
Repository of exercises using the NEURON simulator

Primary LanguageAMPL


Repository of exercises using the NEURON simulator

For details of the exercises and how to run them, please see the PDF file, NEURON-exercises-basic.pdf. Short example answers to the accompanying questions in each exercise are available in NEURON-exercises-basic-ans.pdf.

To provide further background information, there is also a PDF of a set of lecture slides (BNNI_CNintro_2021.pdf) introducing the basics of computational neuroscience, as presented at the Baltic-Nordic Neuroinformatics Summer School in September 2021. These slides are largely based on the book, "Principles of Computational Modelling in Neuroscience" (CUP, 2011; 2nd Edition due 2023).

The exercise code should run in all recent releases of the NEURON simulation software on any supported platform (latest test was September 2021 in NEURON 8 under Windows 10). Underlying code is written in hoc and NMODL, with the user interface using Interviews.

You will need to clone this repository (or download a ZIP file) to the machine on which you have installed NEURON, and then appropriately compile .mod files in some of the Exercises subdirectories, as per the instructions in NEURON-exercises-basic.pdf.

Have fun! Bruce Graham, September 2021