
deeplearning.ai - AI for Medicine Specialization (Andrew Ng, Pranav Rajpurkar)

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This is main repository to group the my course work as part of Deeplearning.ai - AI for Medicine Specialization by deeplearning.ai.


  • Pranav Rajpurkar, Instructor, PhD Candidate Stanford University
  • Bora Uyumazturk
  • Amirhossein Kiani
  • Eddy Shyu


Eureka! moment

If you plan to only audit class, one thing to focus on

  • Although radiology image classification and segmentation using a CNN in TensorFlow is interesting, survival analysis using different traditional ML methods are a nice comparison and contrast between modern and classical AI, ML and DL approaches.
  • GradCAM is a novel approach to overlay heatmaps on radiology images.

Key Takeaways

  • In Healthcare, there are common data challenges of: data access, data size, and data quality.
  • Validation need clear methods, evaluation metrics and explanation.
  • Despite the hype of AI and deep learning (DL), traditionl ML methods (e.g, decision trees, random forest) still very effective in real world scenarios.

Course work
