
A small, purely functional programming language. For learning.

Primary LanguageHaskell


“You can swim all day in the Sea of Knowledge and not get wet.”

– Norton Juster, The Phantom Tollbooth


Doldrums is a small, purely functional programming language with an emphasis on ease of top-to-bottom understanding. I've been meaning to play with a language like this ever since making Pixll. This is a great way for me to learn. It's probably not very useful for anything in practice.

The compiler is written in Haskell. Run stack run test.dol to see an example.


I wrote the parsing using Megaparsec.

The run function performs each stage of the compilation pipeline. In order, it parses a small prelude (written in Doldrums), reads an input file, parses, evaluates, and shows the program results.

The Doldrums language

Doldrums is purely functional, which means that all values are immutable. It's also lazy, tiny, and pretty useless in the real world.


-- Line comments look like this
/* Block comments
   look like this */

Writing a program

A program is a list of functions. A function has a name, a list of arguments, and a body.

id x = x;
const x y = x;

You can define constants using a "function" with no arguments.

seven = 7;

Every program has a main function. This is what runs when the program starts.

main = const 6 7;

The $ operator

Because it has the lowest precedence, you can use $ to replace parentheses in certain situations, for cleaner code. For example,

main = f (g (h x));

is equivalent to

main = f $ g $ h x;


Doldrums has a very simple typechecking mechanism, to ensure that certain kinds of invalid programs aren't allowed. For example, this program will fail to typecheck:

main = 7 + "hello";

So will this one, since you can't apply literals:

main = 1 2 3;

However, the mechanism currently only infers types within combinators, not across them. See this program for an example:

func x = x + 7;
main = func "hello";

The list of types is short: Bool, Int, Double, String, and Constr. They are inferred purely from the usage of literals and the combinations of those usages.

Let expressions

You can define variables to be used in an expression with let...in

let n = 0 in n

Multiple definitions should be separated by commas

let a = 1, b = 2, c = 3
in a * b * c

Because Doldrums is lazy, you can define your variables in any order

let x = z
  , y = 7
  , z = y

Operator Precedence

Higher numbers mean higher precedence. All operators are binary (they have both a left and a right hand side).

Precedence Associativity Operator
6 left function application
5 right *
5 *.
5 /
5 /.
4 right +
4 +.
4 -
4 -.
3 ==
3 !=
3 >
3 >=
3 <
3 <=
2 right &&
1 right ||
0 right $

How can I do this?

I'd recommend using Megaparsec or another parsing library to make that part easier to write. I got the Template Instantiation material (src/Template.hs) from Implementing Functional Languages: a tutorial. Statically Typed Interpreters was helpful when figuring out how to add typechecking. Some issues were debugged more quickly thanks to help from friends.