
This is a clone of famous app Instagram which I made in Java using Android Studio and Firebase, and has all features that Instagram can support like posts , notification, live status, view and edit profiles, search friends, follow/unfollow people, etc.

Primary LanguageJava


This is an Android Project what in Language Java using Android Studio and Firebase. It is filled with all the features of a famous app called Instagram.

Its design speciality include

  • Start Page include Login/Register Feature

    Login or Register to app

  • After Login/Register main page opens containing posts.

    It has features like Like,Bookmark,comment,delete comments and even Report Post

  • Add status

    You can add your status, see how many people viewed it and even delete status

  • Searching Friends

    Including feature to search, follow and un-follow them

  • Create Posts

    Add posts and descriptions to it

  • Notifications

    You even receive notifications what your friends are doing

  • Profile

    You can see your profile, edit profile, edit or delete or report your own posts

    see followers, and following and your bookmarked posts and has a logout option also

  • Edit Your Post

    You can even edit your own post

  • View Profile Of Other People

    You can even view profile of other people, their post and follow/unfollow from that page

  • Logout

    There is a logout page where you can logout from the app