
This is the repository for the final project of ENPM809Y (Introduction to Robot Programming) for Group 7.

Primary LanguageC++

This Project achieves to implement Breadth-first algorithm in C++ The project interacts continuously with the API of the micromouse simulator. (https://github.com/mackorone/mms). You must clone the repo given and save it in the directory of your choice. You must also clone the mazefiles (https://github.com/micromouseonline/mazefiles). The files must be in the same directory as you wish.

To execute this project, clone the project in the same directory as you wish to store other repos. (Use: https://github.com/nalindas9/enpm809y-final-project)

To start the micromouse simulator, Follow the steps mentioned in the repo ../mackorone/mms, mentioned above.

To execute the project:

  1. Load the maze file into the simulator (The files that are cloned from ../micromouseonline/mazefiles)
  2. Load the project in the simulator (../enpm809y-final-project/Final-Project-Group7/Project-Group7/src)
  3. Build Commands: g++ -std=c++11 API/API.cpp LandBasedRobot/LandBasedRobot.cpp LandBasedWheeled/LandBasedWheeled.cpp LandBasedTracked/LandBasedTracked.cpp Maze/Maze.cpp Algorithm/Algorithm.cpp ../main.cpp
  4. Run command: ./a.out BUILD the project in the simulator RUN the project