Adapted from C sample code provided by the nice people at AdaFruit.
This reads from pin 4 every five seconds, supplying a moving average after every twelve successful reads (provided the input changes):
import DHT
import SwiftyGPIO
let allGPIOs = SwiftyGPIO.GPIOs(for: .RaspberryPi3)
let dhtGPIO = allGPIOs[.P4]!
let dht = DHT(pin: dhtGPIO, device: .dht22)
dht.start(readInterval: 5.0, updateSampleCount: 12,
humidity: { print("humidity: \($0)%") },
temperature: { print("temperature: \($0)°C") })
To add DHT to your project, declare a dependency in your Package.swift file,
.package(url: "", from: "2.0.0"),
and add the dependency to your target:
.target(name: "MyProjectTarget", dependencies: ["DHT"]),