Module to manage the kerberos config file and client packages
This module is built for use with Puppet v3 on the following OS families.
- Debian
- RHEL 6
- Suse
- Solaris 10
Default logging
- Default: FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log
Default kdc logging
- Default: FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
Default admin server logging
- Default: FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log
Default realm
- Default: undef
Boolean to use dns to lookup realm
- Default: undef
Boolean to use dns to lookup kdc
- Default: undef
Lifetime of kerberos ticket
- Default: undef
String with name of default credential cache name file. This setting is supported by Kerberos version >= v1.11.
- Default: undef
Name of keytab file
- Default: undef
Boolean if ticket is forwardable
- Default: undef
Boolean if ticket is proxiable
- Default: undef
Boolean if reverse DNS resolution should be used
- Default: undef
List of kerberos domains (hash with nested arrays)
Default: undef
Hiera example:
krb5::realms: 'EXAMPLE.COM': default_domain: - 'example.com' kdc: - 'kdc1.example.com:88' - 'kdc2.example.com:88' admin_server: - 'kdc1.example.com:749' - 'kdc2.example.com:749'
List of defaults for apps
Default: undef
Hiera example:
krb5::appdefaults: pam: 'debug': 'false' 'ticket_lifetime': '36000' 'renew_lifetime': '36000' 'forwardable': 'true' 'krb4_convert': 'false'
List of domain realms
Default: undef
Hiera example:
krb5::domain_realm: 'example.com': 'EXAMPLE.COM'
Array or String with the related kerberos package(s) to install. 'USE_DEFAULTS' will choose the appropriate default for the system.
- Default: 'USE_DEFAULTS'
Solaris specific: string for package adminfile.
- Default: undef
Solaris specific (mostly): string for package provider.
- Default: undef
Solaris specific (mostly): string for package source.
- Default: undef
Path to config file
- Default: /etc/krb5.conf
Ensure of the config file
- Default: present
Owner of the config file
- Default: root
Group of the config file
- Default: root
Mode of the config file
- Default: 0644