
Python tools for visualizing astronomical images, particularly from the NASA TESS mission.

Primary LanguagePython


Sometimes it can be really helpful to take your image of the sky, set it up on your light box, and illuminate it so you can investigate it closely with your loupe and fly-swatter. This package provides tools to make pretty illustrations and animations from time-series imaging data. Documentation and examples can be found at zkbt.github.io/illumination/


If you want to use this package without editing it directly, the easiest way to install it is via

pip install illumination

If you want to be able to modify the code yourself, please also feel free to fork/clone this repository onto your own computer and install directly from that editable package. For example, this might look like:

git clone https://github.com/zkbt/illumination.git
cd illumination/
pip install -e .
# or, if you don't have root access ...
pip install -e . --user

This will download the current illumination repository to your current directory, and then link the installed version of the illumination package to this local repository. Changes you make to the code in the repository should be reflected in what Python sees when it tries to import illumination.

To be able to create movies, you will likely want to install ffmpeg. To do so, run the command:

conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg