Interprocedural Taint Analysis using SOOT
Run using proper Args from Run Config.
We have attempted the bonus part where a method invocation supports multiple arguments.
Please see the screenshots for 2nd part as well.
@author Srishti Sengupta, 2013108. @author Naman Gupta, 2013064.
- The local parameter name in the functions should be same as what we have in function invocation.
- Storing only tainted return variables in every function.
- No variable should contain a dollar sign ($).
- No assignment should be there in print statements.
- A non library method invocation and a library method invocation cannot be present on the same line.
- Only 1 method invocation on each line.
- Methods with no arguments or untainted args will never return a tainted summary.
- Max lines of code supported should be changed.