Script to run on ubuntu/ubuntu based operating systems to do a fresh install of useful apps. tested on linux mint 17.1 with cinnamon/xfce. installs the following:
using apt-get vlc sublime text 3 btsync unity-tweak-tool truecrypt google chrome virtualbox git curl filezilla dropbox skype gimp p7zip gparted google-talkplugin guake htop mlocate orage python pip bleachbit pastebinit zsh and other audio/video codecs/tools
removes unnecessary folders from home
sets git config for first time setup(set the details to your account)
installs rvm
installs nodejs for execjs(helps during rails setup)
install latest ruby, 2.2.1,,1.9.3 using rvm
sets default ruby to 2.2.1(latest at the time of writing the script)
adds no documentation flags to gemrc, thus making install faster
installs commonly used gems: bundler nokogiri rails annotate flay lol_dba jazz_hands bundle zeus hub rhc
installs zsh and ohmyzsh
sets basic settings for ohmyzsh/zsh
installs heroku toolbelt
installs steam using .deb file
installs mysql
Contributions are welcome. Fork and send a pull-request.
Use the issue tracker for suggestions and bugs.
Dynamic script to choose what you want. Add more software. Support more frameworks etc. IMPROVE README Test and fix for different versions of ubuntu Add more configuration options for zsh add sublime text plugins and install package control anokknd few common plugins and more zsh configuration fix ubuntu basic settings like default apps,power usage and control etc. auto detect and install drivers
TESTING: TODO: Find a way to efficiently test a script. VMs might help.