
Task1: Set-up and Test NodeMcu

  1. [To Support the Current Hardware] Open Arduino IDE & File Menu -> Go to Preferences Tab & update the "Additional Boards Manager URLs" to
  2. Install esp8266 from tools -> board manager
  3. Install the USB Driver for uploading file change board to node MCU 0.9
  4. Select Tools -> Board(NodeMcu0.9) and then connect the Microcontroller and then select the Port(“COM3”)
  5. Test Blink code (FIles-> Example-> Basics-> Blink) and upload (upload – just to test)

Cheers! First MileStone is achieved. Your NodeMcu is working properly.

Task2: Connect MPU6050 Sensor with Nodemcu to Measure Body Angle

  1. Join MPU6050 pins with NodeMCU as following(P.S. Please verify your connecting before supplying power):
  • VCC -> 3V3
  • GND -> GND
  • SCL -> D1
  • SDA -> D2
  1. Clone the repository
  2. Upload Module1 code and Check output at Serial Monitor.

Yippee! We are one more step ahead. Ready!!

Task3: Link Azure IoT Hub and Upload your data

  1. Install the below libraries in Arduino Under Tools -> Manage Libraries (kind of plug-ins):
  • AzureIoTHub (Latest)
  • AzureIoTUtility (Latest)
  • AzureIoTProtocol_MQTT (Latest)
  • ArduinoJson 5.0.8 [Please note the verson of Arduino JSON and downgrade if higher version is installed.]
  1. (N/A) Create an Iot Hub from Azure Portal
  2. (N/A) Create a new IoT device and Click on the created device and Notedown device primary connection string.
  3. Open Config.h file from Module2 code & update the below values:
  • SSID Name of Wifi
  • Password of Wifi
  • Device ID (One uniquely chosen from shared Excel)
  • Connection String (noted above from Excel for respective DeviceId)
  1. Download Device Explorer (FileName – “SetupDeviceExplorer.msi”) from & install.
  2. (N/A) Open Azure Portal, go to <your_iot_hub(created)>->SharedAccessPolicy->iothubowner, and copy primary connection string(;SharedAccessKeyName=iothubowner;SharedAccessKey=WIhMVLoMWfEfpcnaAT92PAnPbGIqRgdaRTLKeZzicLw=)
  3. Paste above connection string in Device Explorer and Monitor
  4. Make necessary changes in message.ino file from Module1.

Horrayyy!! You are ready to deploy your code.