
Final project: song recommendation engine using the Spotify API

Primary LanguageJava

spotify project

This is my final project for my AP Computer Science class built using the Java wrapper for the Spotify API created by @thelinmichael found here: https://github.com/thelinmichael/spotify-web-api-java

what it does

  • Type in a song title and receive a playlist of length specified (up to 210) of songs you'd like
  • Type in an artist title and receive a playlist of length specified (up to 210) of songs you'd like
  • Type in an artist title and receive a list of other artists you'd like, and an option to see 10 songs by any of those reccomended artists
  • Actually create a Spotify playlist in your account with the given tracks. (Broken because of a known issue in the API wrapper)

how to use

To run this program, use the command $ java -cp target/spotifyproject-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar SpotifyDriver in a command prompt/terminal from the working directory spotifyproject. The entire project is run through the CLI.