
The complete app can be found here.


Project Setup

  1. Create a directory mkdir hackernews-node
  2. cd hackernews-node
  3. Initialise a project yarn init -y
  4. mkdir src
  5. Make the server file touch src/index.js
  6. Add graphql-yoga yarn add graphql-yoga
  7. Make changes into index.js
  8. Run the server using node src/index.js

Put the schema in a separate file

  1. Create the schema file touch src/schema.graphql
  2. Remove the typeDefs from index.js & modify the resolver functions

Add a Database

  1. Create the Prisma directory mkdir prisma
  2. Create the Prisma files touch prisma/prisma.yml & touch prisma/datamodel.prisma
  3. Add the datamodel in datamodel.prisma
  4. Install the Prisma CLI globally yarn global add prisma
  5. Deploy the model from root folder prisma deploy
  6. Select the appropriate options to setup Prisma
  7. Inside the prisma folder run prisma generate

Connecting Server and Database with Prisma Client

  1. In root directory run yarn add prisma-client-lib

Adding authentication

  1. After the changes in datamodel.prisma redeploy the model using prisma deploy from root folder
  2. Make the changes in schema
  3. Create the resolver function
  4. Run yarn add jsonwebtoken bcryptjs
  5. Create src/utils.js
  6. Make the necessary changes in index.js


  1. Add the subscriptions in the schema
  2. Update the resolvers
  3. Update index.js
  4. Listen to subscriptions on http://localhost:4000 and make mutations through another https://localhost:4000

Filtering, Pagination and Sorting

  1. Change the schema and the appropriate resolvers