
Canvas command-line scripts in Python.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A set of scripts for finding and scoring assignments in Canvas from the command line.


  • Python 3.7 or higher
  • canvasapi
  • pycurl


Add your API_URL and API_KEY credentials at the top of each file. Get the course ID from the URL of the course, for example, https://mycollege.instructure.com/courses/123456/settings (in this case the ID is '123456'.)

Getting Assignments


can be used to locate the IDs for assignments in a course. Examples:

    assigntool.py 123456

will list all of the assignments and the associated IDs, for course 123456.

    assigntool.py 123456 -a 111222

will list the assignment with ID 111222.

    assigntool.py 123456 -a Recursion

will list all assignments with 'Recursion' in the title.

    assigntool.py 123456 -a 111222 -d

will download all submissions for assignment 111222 into an automatically generated tmpdir.

    assigntool.py 123456 -a 111222 -d -s /home/foo/course/assign1

will download all submissions for assignment 111222 into the directory /home/foo/course/assign1. Each submission will be in its own directory titled with the name of the student. This will only download the latest copy of each submission.

Scoring Assignments



to assign scores and (optionally) text comments with assignment submissions.

    scoreit.py 123456 111222 Schwarzenegger 20

will assign the score of 20 to user Schwarzenegger for assignment 111222 in course 123456. The script will always prompt to ensure that it has found the right user, override this with the -y option. In the case of multiple matches, simply press 'n' until the correct match is found. For example:

# scoreit.py 123456 111222 Schwarzenegger 20
Matched student Schwarzenegger, Arnold, upload score (y/n): n
Matched student Schwarzenegger, Katherine, upload score (y/n): y

You can also use the -c option to add a comment:

    scoreit.py -c "You'll be back" 123456 111222 Schwarzenegger 20


The intended general workflow is:

  • Use assigntool.py to determine the ID of an assignment
  • Download all the submissions for that assignment into a directory
  • Read/compile each student's entry
  • Upload the score and comments with scoreit.py

Feedback/improvements welcome.