
My Linux desktop and misc. other configurations.

Primary LanguagePython

My dotfiles collection

This is a set of configuration files that I use for my X desktop, an Ubuntu 16.04 machine. The cast of characters includes:

Mutt address completion with Office 365 and LDAP

I've yet to see a good writeup of how to do this, so here's the method I used to get autocompletion working in Mutt.

First run davmail and configure it with the LDAP box checked (I start it in my .local/i3/config).

Use the version of ldap.pl in this repo to set the 'query_command' option in mutt. This will enable the completion of addresses after you type a name and hit . See the config files in mutt/ and scripts/ for details.

Calcurse with Office 365

One of the major drawbacks of calcurse is that it doesn't understand timezones. Stupidly, this caused me to miss a meeting once. Follow this process to use calcurse for at least a daily view of your calendar items.

  • Install and initialize caldav according to the instructions.
  • In the file ~/.calcurse/caldav/config, add the following configuration option with a path to the ccursefix.sh file from the scripts/ directory here.
Binary = /home/username/bin/ccursefix.sh
  • The above script will pre-process calendar files during a run of calcurse-caldav and set the meeting times to the local timezone. Make sure you have ccursefix.sh as well as fixtz.pl from this repo.

Now make sure davmail is running. I run it from i3 startup as follows:

exec --no-startup-id davmail /home/namato/.config/davmail/davmail.properties

In the properties window of davmail, ensure that LDAP and Calendar are running.

Now you can run:

calcurse-caldav --init=keep-remote

to provide a view of your calendar appointments from Office 365. I do this in the morning once when I login. This solution has a few gaps, like if you accept an appointment in the same day you might not see it. There is a way you can add appointments directly to calcurse from mutt, see here.

Switching between notebook screen (eDP) and HDMI

There's a handy script here:


that is run from <mod+shift> + s in i3 which toggles the screen between dual, extend, and one or the other. This is useful when bringing your laptop to meeting rooms and replugging/unplugging at your desk.

