The Hyperbolic-Graph-Generator is a package of tools to generate graphs embedded in the hyperbolic plane, and to compute the efficiency of greedy forwarding in these graphs.
More details on the graph models implemented in the package are available at
This standalone package is also a core component of the hyperbolic routing package that is going to be integrated into the NDNSim ( Hyperbolic routing is greedy geometric routing in a hyperbolically embedded network. Hyperbolic routing has attractive scalability and efficiency characteristics. In particular, applied to the AS Internet, hyperbolic routing is nearly optimal, i.e., maximally scalable ( The NDN testbed has been recently mapped to the hyperbolic plane yielding similar routing efficiency ( Because of its exceptional scalability and efficiency characteristics, hyperbolic routing is one of the routing strategies in the NDN architecture.
More information are available at
- boost libraries 1.46.1 or higher
- gsl libraries 1.16 or higher
- libtool
In order to install the Hyperbolic Graph Generator you need to follow the list of instructions below:
$ sh ./ # non-release versions
$ ./configure
$ make
$ (sudo) make install
The procedure above builds three tools:
- hyperbolic_graph_generator
- graph_properties
- greedy_routing
Also, it installs the hggraphs library (public interface is described in hg_graphs_lib.h). For more information about the installation process, please see the Installation FAQs.
A tool to generate synthetic graphs embedded into a hyperbolic space.
hyperbolic_graph_generator -- generate an hyperbolic graph compatible with user parameters
hyperbolic_graph_generator [parameters]
The program generates a file (graph.hg is the default file name) that
describes the geometric coordinates and the links of a hyperbolic graph
compatible with the parameters provided by the user. The program generates
random hyperbolic graphs according to the models in:
A description of how the hyperbolic graph generator works can be found at:
-n graph size (number of nodes)
default value is 1000
-k expected average degree
default value is 10
-g expected power-law exponent gamma
default value is 2 (infinite gamma = 10)
-t temperature
default value is 0 (infinite temperature = 10)
-z square root of curvature zeta=sqrt(-K)
or ratio eta=zeta/T in Soft Configuration Model
default value is 1
-s random seed
default value is 1
-o output folder
default value is current folder
-f graph file name
default value is graph (.hg extension is always added)
-h print help menu
-q quiet (no information print on standard output)
The program generates a file (./graph.hg unless the -o or -f options are turned on)
that lists the coordinates of each node in the hyperbolic space as well as the
adjacency list. The file format is the following:
# The first line describes the main graph parameters:
N <num nodes> T <temperature> G <gamma> K <> Z <zeta> S <seed> I <initial_node_id>
# A line for each node and its polar coordinates:
<node_id> <radial coordinate> <angular coordinate>
# A line for each link:
<node_id> <node id>
N 100 T 0 G 2 K 10 Z 2 S 1 I 1
1 0.000301382 0.826476
2 0.093611 2.88178
3 0.0786131 1.37576
99 0.10503 3.97561
100 0.0713906 5.18173
1 2
1 3
1 4
97 98
98 99
# Generate a graph of 10,000 nodes with average degree 10,
# whose degrees follow a power-law distribution P(k) ~ k^{-2.5}
# The graph is written in graph_example.hg
# All other parameters take default values
hyperbolic_graph_generator -n 10000 -k 10 -g 2.5 -f graph_example
A tool to compute some basic graph properties of the generated hyperbolic graphs.
graph_properties -- compute properties of hyperbolic graphs
graph_properties [parameters]
The program computes some graph properties associated with nodes of the
hyperbolic graph provided as input (./graph.hg is default), in detail:
the polar coordinates of each node, its degree, its average neighbor
degree, and its clustering coefficient.
-i graph file (in hg format)
default value is ./graph.hg
-o output folder
default value is current folder
-h print help menu
The program generates five text files having the following format:
<node id> <radial coordinate>
<node id> <angular coordinate>
<node id> <node degree>
<node id> <node avg. neigh. degree>
<node id> <node clustering coefficient>
graph_properties -i graph_example.hg
A tool to test the greedy routing on hyperbolic graphs.
greedy_routing -- compute the greedy routing success ratio
greedy_routing [parameters]
The program loads in memory a hyperbolic graph (./graph.hg by default),
it simulates the greedy routing on a set of random source-destination node
pairs belonging to the same connected component (default is 10,000 random
pairs), and finally outputs the success ratio (i.e. the percentage of times
the information sent by the source node would have reached the destination
if each node would adopt the greedy routing rules.
-i input graph file (in hg format)
default value is ./graph.hg
-a number of attempts
default value is 10000
-s random seed
default value is 1
-h print help menu
The program print the success ratio to standard output.
# Test geometric greedy routing in the graph located in graph_example.hg
# using 20,000 random pairs of nodes.
# The seed for the random generator is 12345
greedy_routing -i graph_example.hg -a 20000 -s 12345
Where are the executables?
By default, make install
installs the package's commands under /usr/local/bin
, copies the header files under /usr/local/include
, while the compiled libraries are available at /usr/local/lib
You can specify an installation prefix other than /usr/local
by giving configure
the option --prefix=PREFIX
, where PREFIX must be an absolute path.
Can I install the Hyperbolic Graph Generator in my HOME directory?
Yes, all you need is to run configure
using the --prefix
./configure --prefix=/home/user/my_hg_generator
Tools will be available in:
Library files will be available in:
The boost libraries are not found, how can I fix this problem?
If the boost libraries are not installed, then install them using your package management system, or:
download them at
extract boost_xxx.tar.bz2 in a convenient location e.g. /home/user/
Then run again the configure command in the Hyperbolic Graph Generator as follows:
./configure CPPFLAGS='-I/home/user/myboost'
Note: boost are header-only libraries, no installation process is required
The gsl libraries are not found, how can I fix this problem
If the gsl libraries are not installed, then install them using your package management system or follow the instructions at
My boost libraries are not installed in a standard path, how can I build the Hyperbolic Graph Generator?
If the boost libraries are installed in a custom path, e.g. they are in /home/user/myboost
, then the configure command must be run with the CPPFLAGS set:
./configure CPPFLAGS='-I/home/user/myboost'
Boost are header-only libraries, then no LDFLAGS are required.
My gsl libraries are not installed in a standard path, how can I install the Hyperbolic Graph Generator?
If the gsl libraries are installed in a custom path, e.g. they are in /home/user/mygsl
, then the configure command must be run with both the CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS set:
./configure CPPFLAGS='-I/home/user/mygsl/include' LDFLAGS="-L/home/user/mygsl/lib"
If gsl are installed, the following command return the information to be put in the CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS:
$ gsl-config --cflags --libs
-L/opt/local/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas
Both boost and gsl libraries are installed in non standard paths, how can I install the Hyperbolic Graph Generator?
A combination of the previous answers can be used.
./configure CPPFLAGS='-I/home/user/myboost -I/home/user/mygsl/include' LDFLAGS="-L/home/user/mygsl/lib"
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. How do I fix this problem?
Run the following command (or put that line in your profile configuration file for your current shell, e.g. ~/.profile for Mac OS X, ~/.bash_profile for FreeBSD, ~/.bash_rc for Ubuntu):
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
This works if your library is installed in /usr/local/lib. Otherwise, substitute that with you lib installation directory.
Is there a way to improve the speed of the library?
It is possible to set a different optimization level at configuration time, using the following option:
./configure CXXLAGS='-O3'
The default optimization level is -O2.
Can I use the hggraphs library to develop new tools?
The libhggraphs public interface is described in the hg_graphs_lib.h file that is installed in include/hg_graphs_lib.h
. In order to link the library to your tool you need to provide the -lhggraphs option as well as the path to the lib folder containing the library at linking time.
Let's suppose that the Hyperbolic Graph Generator installed in the default path /usr/local
, in order to build a new tool the following operations have to be performed:
g++ -I/usr/local/include -c my_new_tool.o my_new_tool.cpp
g++ -o my_new_tool my_new_tool.o -L/usr/local/lib -lhggraphs