- agawande
- almereydaallmende
- beichuan
- c0D3M
- candraihsani
- chavooshGoogle
- Chrisys93University of Bristol, UCL
- CorcovadoMing
- deshmukhrajvardhanSan Jose
- dhkim9210Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI)
- dirlang
- gretelHensel Consulting
- hesamf8
- iAklis
- jbhatt1
- JonnyKongPurdue Computer Engineering
- liuyunianBeijing Institute of Technology
- luongnv89Paris, France
- madvagabond
- Pesa@usnistgov
- relue2718Seoul
- schneiderklausThe University of Arizona
- Stumble
- sungho-gurumnet
- sweetjian
- timtrittipo
- tsm2783
- wgwoodsSan Francisco, CA
- WsineSun Yat-sen University
- wufucious
- xxyangwang
- ygoramaralFederal Rural University of Pernambuco
- yuj-ymmtOsaka University
- zlorb