
Recursive function that'll sanitize a string or ALL values in an object or array.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


sanitized() is a recursive function that'll sanitize a string or ALL strings in a json input. It's great for sanitizing form data before it gets submitted to the back-end (re: protection against XSS attacks).

It accepts two params the first being the value to sanitize, and the second being options to pass to DOMPurify.


$ npm i sanitized


const sanitized = require("sanitized");
// or,
// import sanitized from "sanitized"

const test = [
    name1: [
      { name2: "<p>abc<iframe//src=jAva&Tab;script:alert(3)>def" },


// Result:
// [
//  "<svg><g></g></svg>",
//  { name1: ["<math><mi></mi></math>", { name2: "<p>abc</p>" }] }
// ];