
What is git?

Git is a piece of software that allows you to edit and collaborate on projects regardless of your teams location. With Git, you and your team can all be working on the same codebase without having to worry about who's doing what in which order.

##Sign up for Github!

  • Open a new tab in your browser and go to GitHub.com
  • Click the green signup button on the top of this page.
  • Confirm your account by clicking the confirmation link in your email

##Lets Fork and Clone our first project on Github!

  • Open This link in another tab!
  • Click the fork button on the top right of this page!
  • Click "Clone in Desktop"
  • Follow Prompts to install the GitHub App

#Download Anaconda! "Anaconda is a completely free Python distribution. It includes more than 300 of the most popular Python packages for science, math, engineering, and data analysis. See the packages included with Anaconda and the Anaconda changelog." Download Anaconda

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