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Adon is an all-in-one python framework for Ad-hoc Information Retrieval. It is highlighted for the following properties:
- All-in-one. Adon efficiently implements the entire ad-hoc retrieval pipeline: including the data loading, model training, encoding, indexing, and evaluation. Based on the this, Adon implements various neural retrieval/reranking models (Sparse, Dense, the newly proposed Generative, and the cross-encoder). One can easily train/evaluate a model with one line of command.
- Elastic. The components of Adon are carefully designed to be highly extendable and independent with one another. You can focus on developing a specific part (e.g. encoding model) without inspecting details about the others (e.g. implementation of ANN indexes). You can also develop your own model within the Adon's framework by only adding a configuration file and a model's implementation.
Please refer to the docs for the detailed introduction and user guides.