
An AI playing Gomoku 15x15 using Negamax algorithm, NegaScout algorithm, Zobrist Hashing, Null Window written in C++

Primary LanguageC++


An AI playing Gomoku 15x15 using Negamax algorithm and NegaScout algorithm with time limitation and with depth limitation; Iterative Deepening; Zobrist Hashing; Null Window written in C++

In order to play, you have to do the following steps:

  • First, download the zip file and unzip it.
  • Second, move terminal to the direction of the file by "cd" command.
  • Third, run the program by typing into the terminal
g++ -std=c++17 negascout_depth_limited.cpp -o gomokuAI


g++ -std=c++17 negascout_time_limited.cpp -o gomokuAI

Then, type:


Note: You can switch algorithm, which by defaut is NegaScout, to NegaMax by changing the name of the function inside main().