- A.I Agent training exploration using Unity's ML agent library.
- RL learning implementation.
- Final neural net
can be found in the results folder.
- The scene is consisted of an
(cube) and the floor plane. Agent
is rewarded 1.0 point if it reaches theTarget
in scene.
- The training parameters can be found in
trainer_type: ppo
batch_size: 10
buffer_size: 100
learning_rate: 3.0e-4
beta: 5.0e-4
epsilon: 0.2
lambd: 0.99
num_epoch: 3
learning_rate_schedule: linear
normalize: false
hidden_units: 128
num_layers: 2
gamma: 0.99
strength: 1.0
max_steps: 500000
time_horizon: 64
summary_freq: 10000
- Check the TensorBoard folder to view all graphs.
Steps | Policy/Entropy | Environment/Episode Length | Policy/Extrinsic Value Estimate | Environment/Cumulative Reward | Policy/Extrinsic Reward | Losses/Value Loss | Losses/Policy Loss | Policy/Learning Rate | Policy/Epsilon | Policy/Beta | Is Training |
50000 | 1.4145449 | 15.640599001663894 | -0.14354631 | 0.2699733688415446 | 0.2699733688415446 | 0.2469888 | 0.024367224 | 0.00028462472 | 0.1948749 | 0.0047442573 | 1.0 |
100000 | 1.3957567 | 10.868264894374555 | 0.31331256 | 0.47709470685971994 | 0.47709470685971994 | 0.08462792 | 0.022649333 | 0.00025696118 | 0.18565372 | 0.0042841206 | 1.0 |
150000 | 1.3791314 | 10.478191000918274 | 0.55392027 | 0.6751606978879706 | 0.6751606978879706 | 0.06505795 | 0.027594421 | 0.00022620882 | 0.17540292 | 0.0037726057 | 1.0 |
200000 | 1.3657695 | 10.16342933690556 | 0.7994534 | 0.8814467515070328 | 0.8814467515070328 | 0.03275415 | 0.024637483 | 0.00019546025 | 0.16515341 | 0.003261155 | 1.0 |
250000 | 1.3522696 | 9.03512645523886 | 0.9158237 | 0.9682858289843437 | 0.9682858289843437 | 0.014595896 | 0.02276111 | 0.00016471805 | 0.15490602 | 0.0027498095 | 1.0 |
300000 | 1.3442888 | 8.099144988175368 | 0.9526815 | 0.995997816991086 | 0.995997816991086 | 0.005348271 | 0.02161112 | 0.00013397659 | 0.14465885 | 0.0022384762 | 1.0 |
350000 | 1.3356354 | 7.555973981513181 | 0.958845 | 0.9984594317014721 | 0.9984594317014721 | 0.0032097357 | 0.02271756 | 0.0001032464 | 0.13441543 | 0.0017273303 | 1.0 |
400000 | 1.3287157 | 7.060444874274662 | 0.962767 | 0.9993552546744036 | 0.9993552546744036 | 0.0022787228 | 0.022542967 | 7.251488e-05 | 0.1241716 | 0.0012161627 | 1.0 |
450000 | 1.3250042 | 6.76001241850357 | 0.96425873 | 0.999689537410742 | 0.999689537410742 | 0.0019425787 | 0.023734555 | 4.484738e-05 | 0.11494911 | 0.0007559601 | 1.0 |
500000 | 1.3234497 | 6.58150113722517 | 0.9658732 | 0.9998483699772555 | 0.9998483699772555 | 0.0019550868 | 0.026965892 | 1.7186736e-05 | 0.10572888 | 0.0002958711 | 1.0 |
- Future implmentation
- Add complexity in the environment for greater NN model.
- Train in parallel training environment to increase learning speed.
- Adjust the hyperparaemters to configure decision value and batch size.
- More sophisticated 3D models and behaviours to carry out.
- Check
for augmented reality version updates.