
interactive programming tutorials, powered by Github and Docker

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io.livecode.ch is a prototype for turning code repositories into interactive tutorials and books, with code snippets that can be edited and run on the web.

Test your .io.livecode.ch/_site locally

  • git clone https://github.com/namin/io.livecode.ch
  • cd io.livecode.ch
  • git submodule init; git submodule update
  • cd pub/templates/local
  • git clone https://github.com/<user>/<repo>.git
  • cd ../.. (back to pub directory)
  • python local.py (powered by flask and requests)
  • visit http://localhost:5000/learn/<user>/<repo>
  • if you make code changes, refresh the server installation by visiting http://io.livecode.ch/learn/<user>/<repo>?refresh=1

Development server-side installation steps

These steps have been tested on an Ubuntu derivative and Mac OS X.

  • Install dependencies

    • Install docker for for Ubuntu or for Mac OS X.
    • Install dependencies (example from a clean slate Ubuntu)
      • sudo apt-get install redis-server python-pip git
      • sudo pip install flask redis docker-py
  • Set up local io.livecode.ch repository in a directory of your choice

    • git clone --recursive https://github.com/namin/io.livecode.ch
    • export LIVECODE_DIR=``pwd``/io.livecode.ch
  • Install the io.livecode.ch docker image

    • Get the official image
      • docker pull namin/io.livecode.ch
      • export LIVECODE_CONFIG="dev"
    • Or build your own from the source repo
      • cd $LIVECODE_DIR; docker build -t=namin/io.livecode.ch-dev .
      • export LIVECODE_CONFIG="dev_docker"
  • export GITHUB_BOT_TOKEN="your_access_token"

  • Run local development server

    • cd $LIVECODE_DIR/pub
    • python __init__.py

Production server-side installation steps


These steps have been tested on a DigitalOcean (referral link) docker application droplet, and work regardless of the actual (sub)domain name of your server (i.e. no need to change occurrences of io.livecode.ch in config files).

For the latest steps, follow this article.

  • Create a new droplet in the DigitalOcean UI:

    • for the image, select the default Ubuntu image
    • for the other options, select as you please. My options:
      • for the size, I use the second smallest droplet, though any other including the smallest should work too.
      • for the last settings, I keep the default VirtIO enabled (I have not tested it disabled).
  • Initial setup of the server

    • Instructions to install Docker
    • $ME refers to your preferred username (e.g. namin for me)
    • $DKR refers to a docker-enabled user (e.g. dkr, which I use for scheduling docker cleanups)
    • as root:
      • be sure to set $ME and $DKR as you like. I do:
        • export ME=namin
        • export DKR=dkr
      • apt-get update
      • apt-get upgrade
      • Install docker.
      • adduser $ME
      • usermod -a -G www-data,docker,sudo $ME
      • usermod -a -G docker www-data
      • adduser $DKR
      • usermod -a -G docker $DKR
    • as $ME:
      • set up your favorite editor (and other tools) as you please. I do:
        • set up emacs
          • sudo apt-get install emacs

          • git clone -b server https://github.com/namin/.emacs.d.git

            (in $HOME directory)

          • run emacs to ensure customization works

        • configure git
          • git config --global user.name "Nada Amin"
          • git config --global user.email "namin@alum.mit.edu"
          • git config --global core.editor emacs
      • pull official io.livecode.ch docker image
        • docker pull namin/io.livecode.ch
      • set up NGINX
        • sudo apt-get install nginx

        • sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

          (rationale: the default kicks in too easily)

        • (when adding another domain (e.g. dev.livecode.ch), I had to comment out this line in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf: server_names_hash_bucket_size 64;)

      • set up dependencies
        • sudo apt-get install uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python
        • sudo apt-get install redis-server
        • sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev
        • sudo pip install flask redis docker-py
      • set up website
        • cd /var
        • sudo mkdir -p www
        • sudo chown www-data:www-data www
        • sudo chmod g+w www
        • cd www
        • git clone https://github.com/namin/io.livecode.ch.git
        • cd io.livecode.ch
        • git submodule init; git submodule update
        • cp app.wsgi.sample app.wsgi
        • edit the app.wsgi to include the environment variable GITHUB_BOT_TOKEN
        • cd cfg
        • sudo cp nginx-site.sample /etc/nginx/sites-available/io.livecode.ch
        • sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/io.livecode.ch /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/io.livecode.ch
        • sudo cp uwsgi-app.ini.sample /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/io.livecode.ch.ini
        • sudo ln -s /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/io.livecode.ch.ini /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/io.livecode.ch.ini
    • as $DKR:
      • mkdir log
      • touch log/clean.log
      • contrab -e
      • add line
        • */10 * * * * (/var/www/io.livecode.ch/bin/clean) >>log/clean.log

Docker cheat sheet

  • docker run -i -t -u runner -e HOME=/home/runner namin/io.livecode.ch /bin/bash --login

    (shell access)