# Scuffed Password Game in a Discord Bot # To run the bot cc main.c -o bot -L/usr/local/lib -ldiscord -lcurl -lpthread -lsqlite3 ; ./bot * requires concord and sqlite3 # Todo - [x] set up database - [x] set up commands - [x] save profile - [x] validate questions - [x] questions - [x] uppercase, number, special character - [x] wordle - [x] captcha - [x] generate captcha - [x] refresh captcha - [x] country - [x] strong - [x] leap - [x] sponsers - [x] sum of digits - [x] current date - [x] length shuould be a prime number - [x] remove 2 letters - [x] affirmations - [x] vowels bolded - [x] elements - [x] elem of the day - [x] sum of atomic number of elements - [x] tell errors - [x] save last guess - [x] progres player - [x] end the game shoutout to https://www.nytimes.com/svc/wordle/v2/