
This python code is going to parse, analyze and visualize access.log file of Apache in Linux servers

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

What Does it Do?

This python code is going to parse, analyze and visualize access.log file of Apache in Linux servers

How to Install it?

  • Make sure that you have Python 3.1 or above by typing python --version in the terminal.
  • Download the updated package.
  • Install requirements by running this command in your terminal pip install -r requirements.txt. Maybe it is a good idea to install a virtual environment.
  • Configure the config.py file.

How to Use it?

Using this tool is so simple. You fist need to config the config.py in the way you like. It has been pre-configured but you can change it by your desire.

To see the help, just run python main.py -h or python main.py -help.

usage: main.py [-h] -f [PATH_to_FILE] [-l [No_of_LINES]] -e [ELEMENT_NAME]
               [-ne [No_of_ELEMENTS]] [-nm [No_of_MONTH]] [-se [ASC|DES]] [-sm [ASC|DES]]

The Apache access.log file parser

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f [PATH_to_FILE], --file [PATH_to_FILE]
                        [Required] Path to the Apache log file
  -l [No_of_LINES], --line [No_of_LINES]
                        [Optional] Set the number of the lines to be parsed from the
                        begining of the file.
  -e [ELEMENT_NAME], --element [ELEMENT_NAME]
                        [Required] Report based on the selected element.
  -ne [No_of_ELEMENTS], --number_element [No_of_ELEMENTS]
                        [Optional] Show the number of top elements. Default: 10
  -nm [No_of_MONTH], --number_month [No_of_MONTH]
                        [Optional] Show the number of top months. Zero (0) means not
                        categorization by month. Default: 3
  -se [ASC|DES], --sort_element [ASC|DES]
                        [Optional] Sort data ascendingly or desendingly. Default: des
  -sm [ASC|DES], --sort_month [ASC|DES]
                        [Optional] Sort monthly-based data (just months) ascendingly or
                        desendingly. Default: asc

As it can be seen, there are different arguments that can be used for parsing the access.log file.

List of Gathering Data (Elements)

host_country *
host_city *
host_province *
host_isp *

Note: Marked elements depend on an API that can parse IPs.


The following command will get the first 100 lines of access.log and parse them for the element host_ip. It will not categorize parsed logs in different months.

python main.py -f ./access.log -l 100 -nm 0 -e host_ip

This command will get all lines of the log file and show top 20 visitors' country in past 6 months (desendingly).

python main.py -f ./access.log -l 0 -nm 6 -e host_country -ne 20

This command will draw the charts based on IP and request as well as the table of the unique and total monthly visitors

python main.py -f ./access.log -l -1 -nm 36 -e visitor,host_ip,request -ne 10 -c yes

Output Example Output Example


A line of access.log is look like the following. - - [06/Dec/2016:16:18:10 +0100] "POST /administrator/index.php HTTP/1.1" 200 4494 "http://almhuette-raith.at/administrator/index.php" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/17.0" "-"

It reveals that the pattern looks %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\" where:

  • %h is the IP address of the client.
  • %l holds the user identity, if any. So, it can be none (aka -).
  • %u shows the username of the client if the request was authenticated, if any. So, it can be none (aka -).
  • %t shows the time that the request was received.
  • \"%r\" contains the the request line that includes the HTTP method, the requested path, and the HTTP protocol.
  • %>s shows the HTTP status code.
  • %b shows the size of the HTTP request.
  • \"%{Referer}i\" holds the referral URL, if any. So, it can be none (aka -).
  • \"%{User-agent}i\" contains the user agent (browser) details.

Read more about it here.

Change Log

Version 1.0

  • The initial script is released on 14 Oct 2020.


  • Add menu to the script in order to make it faster and more functional.
  • Add more charts
  • Show the number of data
  • Show the last element of data
  • Export data in csv, excel, JSON, XML, etc.
  • Add elapsed time.
  • Handle errors:
    • When the value of arguments are 0, e.g. -ne