
Kitas, Kindergärten, Spielplätze und Schulen in Leipzig

Primary LanguageCSSGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Kitas, Kindergärten, Spielplätze und Schulen in Leipzig

installing the backend application


Python & npm

Make sure you have the latest version of python 2.7 installed. You also will need npm to install less.

PIP, virtualenvwrapper

If you want to setup and start the backend, you have to install django and it's requirements. To do so, it is recommended to install and use the python package manager pip. For the installation, you need root privileges:

$ curl -O https://raw.github.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py
$ pip install virtualenv

With pip, you now can install virtualenv. This is a tool to create a python environment without messing with your system packages. To make the use of virtualenv easier, it is recommended to install virtualenvwrapper:

$ pip install virtualenv
$ mkdir .virtualenvs
$ pip install virtualenvwrapper

You now only have to configure virtualenvwrapper. To do so, add the following lines into your .bashrc or profiles:

export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh

Finally, reload the .bashrc by running the following command:

$ source .bashrc


You will need less to compile the less files to css. To install it, use npm and run the following command as root:

$ npm install -g less;

creating the virtualenv and installing requirements

Now you can use the virtualenvwrapper to create a new virtualenv:

$ mkvirtualenv kidsle

You now see your prompt prefixed with the current virtualenv. You can deactivate it with deactivate. To reactivate it later on, simply use workon kidsle.

To install all requirements, and load the data into your database, you can run the make command. It will take care of installing and updating all requirements, creating the development database and loading the provided data. You also will get asked to create a admin account:

make install

To run the server you also can use the Makefile:

make runserver