Hiring test for Mainspring

SARA Comments classification


  • Pre-processing:

    • Tokenize sentence to words list
    • Filter Indonesian stopwords
    • Filter English stopwords
    • Filter non-alphabet characters and punctuation
  • Word Embedding: Using Word2Vec to vectorize sentence:

    • Train a Word2Vec model on all sentences in train and test set
    • Pad sentence to have same length (length of the longest sentence after pre-processed)
    • Each sentence after vectorizing is a tensor size max_lenX300
  • Model:CNN model for sentences classification

    • Visualization of model
  • Performance:

    • Parameters:
      • Learning rate: 0.01
      • Optimizer SGD with momentum: 0.9
      • Batch size: 64, epochs: 250
      • Save the model which provide the highest validation accuracy
    • Training: Get the best result at epoch 29-th:
         Epoch: 29 || Train Loss: 0.004787 
         Epoch: 29 || Val Loss: 0.074392 || Val Acc: 0.876
    • Testing:
      Acc: 85.635% || Precision: 0.916 || Recall: 0.567 || F1-score: 0.701


  • Environment:
    • OS: Linux
    • Anaconda, Python 3.6
  • Install libaries and depedencies:
    • pip intall -r requirements.txt
  • Pre-trained weight file:
    • Download here!
    • Move the downloaded file to weights folder
  • Install nltk:
    • python install_nltk.py
  • Download data.zip file and unzip in project folder


  • Generate train,test,val sets:
    • python raw_data_process.py
  • Train, extract Word2Vec model:
    • python -m word_embedding.word2vec
  • Train model:
    • python train.py
    • Run: python train.py --help for more options
  • Test model:
    • python test.py