There will be hands-on exercises throughout the workshop. Exercise scripts are named by the module and subject they relate to. You can download the exercises and data and run the exercises on your local machine by downloading this repository.
Alternatively, all exercises are uploaded to a Posit workspace with projects named by the corresponding course modules. You should have already recieved an invite to the Posit cloud via email; if not, please let us know and we can invite you.
We will be using R and RStudio throughout the course. To provide uniform and installation-free access, we have also setup a Posit Cloud, previously known as RStudio Cloud. Posit Cloud is an online service that allows us to run the Rstudio integrated development environment (IDE) through a normal web browser. The advantage of this is that we avoid can software installation problems and that it makes collaboration between students and teachers easy.
You can access the Posit Cloud workspace via the invite link in your e-mail. Additionally, all scripts are shared as described above.
To run the scripts on your own machine, you will need a set of packages. For most users, these can be installed swiftly by the code in "0_INSTALL_PACKAGES.R" in the Code folder.