
Helper classes to develop executable workflow scripts

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Executable Workflow

PyPI PyPI - Python Version PyPI - License

Documentation: https://namuan.github.io/py-executable-checklist

Source Code: https://github.com/namuan/py-executable-checklist

PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/py-executable-checklist/

Helper classes to develop executable workflow scripts


pip install py-executable-checklist

Example Usage

import logging
from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter

from py_executable_checklist.workflow import run_workflow, WorkflowBase

# Common functions across steps

# Workflow steps

class DoSomething(WorkflowBase):
    Go to this page
    Copy the command
    Run the command
    Copy the output and paste it into the email

    username: str

    def execute(self):
        logging.info(f"Hello {self.username}")

        # output
        return {"greetings": f"Hello {self.username}"}

# Workflow definition

def workflow():
    return [

# Boilerplate

def parse_args():
    parser = ArgumentParser(
        description=__doc__, formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
    parser.add_argument("-u", "--username", type=str, required=True, help="User name")
        help="Display context variables at each step",
    return parser.parse_args()

def main(args):
    context = args.__dict__
    run_workflow(context, workflow())

if __name__ == "__main__":
    args = parse_args()


  • Clone this repository
  • Requirements:
  • Create a virtual environment and install the dependencies
poetry install
  • Activate the virtual environment
poetry shell

Validating build

make build

Release process

A release is automatically published when a new version is bumped using make bump. See .github/workflows/build.yml for more details. Once the release is published, .github/workflows/publish.yml will automatically publish it to PyPI.