
This is a code extracted from a hypothetical complex CRM system "CRM-X"

Primary LanguagePHP

Test Task CRM-X

This is a code extracted from a hypothetical complex CRM system "CRM-X"

Key notes:

Laravel's default config system has been replaced with the cascading config system (from Laravel 5)

Files from /config/<environment>/ override the defaults from /config/

Environment is best to be set via APP_ENV=local environment variable or --env=local artisan command option

For simplicity, frontend part has been removed completely, so you will start from scratch


  1. Create a new MySQL database
  2. Import database from the file db.sql
  3. Set your database connection in the database config file

The Task

Create a new module called Importer

  • this system is organized into modules, feel free to use existing modules for reference and/or use the dedicated commands
  • this module holds functionality of importing various data from HTML files
  • implements importing WorkOrders from the file work_orders.html
  • each import run should be stored in DB table importer_log - create table migration ( id, type, run_at, entries_processed, entries_created )
  • allows user to import new file and to see log of previously completed imports
  • exposes both web interface (simple view, no authentication required) and console interface (artisan command)

Logic of WorkOrders import

  • new work orders should be created in the database work_order table
  • there should be no duplicates in work_order_number column
  • once the import completes, user should receive a report in a CSV file
  • CSV report should contain data of each parsed work order plus a note whether it has been created or skipped because it already existed in DB
  • HTML to database columns mapping:
    • Ticket -> work_order.work_order_number
    • entityid from Ticket link href (e.g. "t6UJ9A06IAK4") -> work_order.external_id
    • Urgancy -> work_order.priority
    • Rcvd Date -> work_order.received_date
    • Category -> work_order.category
    • Store Name -> work_order.fin_loc


  • feel free to use any 3rd party packages you will find useful for the task (remember to add them to composer)
  • browser's web tools can help while finding elements to parse in the HTML
  • no need for a fancy view, it only needs to be functional
  • we prefer using high level database abstractions such as models instead of raw SQL
  • we appreciate code that's easily readable and maintainable

Good luck!