Infrachain Public

This repository contains the source code for the Infrachain project, an innovative solution developed during a 30-hour hackathon challenge. The project combines blockchain and IoT (Internet of Things) technologies to optimize energy consumption in the public sector.

Challenge Description

The challenge was to conceive and develop a novel solution based on blockchain combined with IoT to further optimize the government's energy consumption. This could be addressed by optimizing energy usage in public buildings, infrastructure, or other public assets.

The Infrachain project is a proof of concept (PoC) DApp running on the public sector blockchain (PSB) that demonstrates a novel way of how energy savings can be achieved in the public sector by involving IoT devices and retrieving specific information from external data sources. The DApp can include interaction with external stakeholders and favor energy-saving behaviors.

The DApp interacts with the Open Data Portal ( to retrieve and publish data. It does not store any personal information on the chain but acts as a trust anchor between the DApp parties, with any personal information stored off-chain with the necessary data protection mechanisms in place.


The repository is divided into two main directories:

  1. SmartContract: This directory contains the source code for the smart contracts and the backend services.
  2. input_web: This directory contains the data used by the backend services.

Smart Contracts

The SmartContract directory contains two subdirectories:

  1. MDOT_backend_web3: This directory contains the backend services for the project. The main file is index.js, which sets up an Express.js server and provides endpoints for interacting with the smart contracts.

  2. MDOT_smart_contract: This directory contains the smart contracts for the project. There are two main contracts:

    • CRUD.sol: This contract provides basic CRUD operations for mapping strings to arrays of strings.
    • iot.sol: This contract provides operations for managing IoT devices and energy data. It includes methods for pushing and getting device schedules, renewable energy shares, and total energy saved.


The input_web directory contains the data subdirectory, which includes CSV files with energy data.


To set up the project, follow these steps:

  1. Install Dependencies: Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed. Navigate to the project directory and run npm install to install the necessary dependencies.
  2. Environment Variables: The backend services require certain environment variables to function correctly.
    • Infura API Key: This is required to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. Sign up on Infura for an API key. Replace YOUR_INFURA_API_KEY in the relevant files with your Infura API key.
    • Ethereum Private Key: This is required to deploy and interact with the smart contracts. Replace YOUR_ETHEREUM_PRIVATE_KEY in the relevant files with your Ethereum private key.
    • Ensure Anonymity: Before publicizing the repository, ensure all private information, API keys, and other sensitive data are removed or replaced with placeholders.


The backend services provide several endpoints for interacting with the smart contracts:

  • /push_schedule: Pushes a device schedule to the iot contract.
  • /schedule: Gets a device schedule from the iot contract.
  • /push_renewable_share: Pushes a renewable energy share to the iot contract.
  • /get_renewable_share: Gets a renewable energy share from the iot contract.
  • /push_total_energy_saved: Pushes the total energy saved to the iot contract.
  • /get_total_energy_saved: Gets the total energy saved from the iot contract.