
Example projects for ocv_ar - OpenCV based Augmented Reality library


Example projects for ocv_ar - OpenCV based Augmented Reality library

Markus Konrad konrad@htw-berlin.de, June 2014

INKA Research Group / Project MINERVA, HTW Berlin - http://inka.htw-berlin.de/inka/projekte/minerva/

This repository contains some examples on how to use the OpenCV based Augmented Reality library ocv_ar. For now, only iOS based exampels exist, but different platforms will be available in the future.

How to clone this repository

Please note that ocv_ar is included as a submodule in this repository. Therefore, the following command needs to be used to clone the repo:

git clone --recursive git@github.com:htw-inka/ocv_ar-examples.git

Available projects in folder examples/

All projects come with a separate README file for instructions on how to compile and configure the project.


Basic iOS based ocv_ar showcase that uses OpenGL for display and CvVideoCamera for grabbing the video frames from the camera.


iOS based ocv_ar showcase that uses OpenGL for display and native iOS camera APIs for grabbing the video frames. It makes use of the ocv_ar::Track class for marker tracking and smooth marker motion. This is the most full-featured version and shows the current state best.


This folder contained an ocv_ar showcase that uses Cocos2D for display and native iOS camera APIs for grabbing the video frames. It was moved to a separate repository named ocv_ar-cocos2d.


Basic ocv_ar example that compiles under Linux and Mac OSX.