
Subscription preferences UI and API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Subscription preferences UI and API.

UI shows the preferences fetched via backend.


This is a react app.

  • Install node
  • Run npm install
  • Run npm start

Open the UI in http://localhost:3000/


Backend API is developed usin Node Framework and Express server. Database is MongoDB.

Create a DB and collection MongoDB.
I created a DB and collection in MongoDB Atlas

created a .env file under backend/ folder add the DB connection string obtained while setting up the DB.

e.g: DATABASE=mongodb+srv://:@cluster0.lz9k7.mongodb.net/<DATABASE_NAME>?authSource=admin&replicaSet=atlas-km3jw0-shard-0&w=majority&readPreference=primary&appname=MongoDB%20Compass&retryWrites=true&ssl=true

  • Run npm install --save
  • Run npm start
  • Server should be running on port 3001


When you add the Subscriptions using below APIs please follow the model below

new mongoose.Schema({ name:{ type: String, required: true, // unique: true, }, isRoot:{ type:Boolean }, category:{ type:String }, isParent:{ type: Boolean, // required: true, }, hasChildren:{ type:Boolean, required: true, }, children: [this] , price:{ type: Number } })

Backend API

  1. POST http://localhost:3001/create

  2. GET http://localhost:3001/get

  3. DELETE http://localhost:3001/delete/

sample data : { "children": [ { "name": "Feature-C-1", "isParent": true, "hasChildren": true, "isRoot": false, "category": "parent", "price": 0, "children": [ { "name": "Feature-C-1-1", "isParent": false, "hasChildren": false, "isRoot": false, "category": "child", "price": 25 } ] } ], "_id": "6048f8a909780933e43c4d28", "name": "Feature-C", "isParent": true, "hasChildren": true, "isRoot": true, "category": "parent", "price": 0, "__v": 0 } }