
JSON to Jasper Report (Multi Output)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Based on Node-Jasper project, simplified to generate report from JSON data source only. Supported output type: pdf, xls, doc, ppt, and printer.


Install via npm:

npm install njsp-json

To use it inside your project just do:

var jasper = require('njsp-json')(options);

Where options is an object with the following signature:

options: { //Optional
 	path: '', //Path to jasperreports library directory - provide only if using other version
	font: '', //Path to font extensions library - provide dir containing all font extension jars used
	reports: {
  		// Report Definition
  		name: { //Report's name - required
  			jasper: '', //Path to jasper file - require either jasper, jrxml, or both
  			jrxml: '' //Path to jrxml file - require either jasper, jrxml, or both


  • java

    Instance of node-java that we are currently running.

  • add(name, report)

    Add a new report definition identified by name.

    In report definition one of jasper or jrxml must be present.

  • html(report)

    Alias for export(report, 'html')

  • doc(report)

    Alias for export(report, 'doc')

  • xls(report)

    Alias for export(report, 'xls')

  • ppt(report)

    Alias for export(report, 'ppt')

  • pdf(report)

    Alias for export(report, 'pdf')

  • print(report)

    Alias for export(report, 'print') Returns boolean true on print success, and boolean false on print fail / canceled

  • compileSync(jrxmlpath)

    Compile jrxml file in the path given to jasper file in the same directory Returns full path of the created jasper file

  • export(report, format)

    Returns the compiled report in the specified format.

    report is

    • An object that represents reports, data and properties to override for this specific method call.

        report: , //name, definition or an array with any combination of both
        data: {}, //Data to be applied to the report. If there is an array of reports, data will be applied to each.
        override: {} //properties of report to override for this specific method call.
        dataset: {} //an object to be JSON serialized and passed to the Report as fields instead of parameters (see the example for more info)
        query: '' // string to pass to jasperreports to query on the dataset
    • An array with any combination of the three posibilities described before.

    • A function returning any combination of the four posibilities described before.


var express = require('express'),
	app = express(),
	jasper = require('njsp-jasper')({
		path: '../jasper',
		reports: {
			hw: {
				jasper: 'reports/helloWorld.jasper'

	app.get('/pdf', function(req, res, next) {
		var report = {
			report: 'hw',
			data: {
				id: parseInt(req.query.id, 10)
				secondaryDataset: jasper.toJsonDataSource({
					data: {...}
			dataset: [{...},{...}] //main dataset
		var pdf = jasper.pdf(report);
			'Content-type': 'application/pdf',
			'Content-Length': pdf.length


That's It!.