
Defaults for docker with mongo + node + express + graphql setup for server and react + apollo + redux setup for client.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

docker for dummies

Prototype for Docker Defaults


  • Make docker defaults for prod and dev for kickstarting a project easy way


  • Server: mongo + node + express + graphql
  • Client: react + apollo + redux


  • docker-compose build
  • docker-compose up (this kickstarts the nodemon environment too)

Hosted links

  • Open localhost:80/api/graphql for the local server environemt
  • Open localhost:3001 for the local client environemt

Production setup

  • Set NODE_ENV variable in Dockerfile in client and server to production.
  • Change the last command in Dockerfile for client to npm run build.
  • Change the last command in Dockerfile for server to npm start.