
Ethereum DApp for Voting

Primary LanguageTypeScript

A club voting decentralized application, powered by Next.js, web3-react and Ethereum.

Your Problem Statement

  • You run a blockchain club at college. You’re voting for a club lead, anyone can vote. But you want the votes to be verifiable and trustable
  • However, you also need funds. So you decide to create a smart contract and dApp that will let anyone vote by purchasing vote tokens using ether
  • Once the vote is done, you should be able to withdraw the amount contributed by everyone

Quick Setup

  1. Deploy the Voting Smart Contract (found at contracts/ClubVoting.sol) using your deployment method of choice (for instance - use Remix). When deploying, don't forget to put in your constructor arguments. Also, remember that we're using bytes32 and not string for our candidate names - this means that we need to encode names before passing them in using a utility (for example, you can use the Remix console to encode - web3.utils.rightPad(web3.utils.fromAscii("bob"), 64))
  2. Get the contract address from your deployment method and plug it into the VOTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS constant in pages/index.tsx
  3. Install dependencies (yarn install)
  4. Run the development server (yarn run dev)

Take-Home Challenge

  • Implement the capability to see all the votes performed by one address (auditability) [Difficulty - Easy] [Contribute under issue amithkk#1]
  • Reduce gas usage of the contract (gas is money!) [Difficulty - Intermediate] [Contribute under issue amithkk#2]
  • Use ERC20 tokens for facilitating voting [Difficulty - Hard] [Contribute under issue amithkk#3]


  • Separate packages from ethers.js for improved tree-shaking, often only ethers Contracts
  • Hooks-first approach to fetching and caching data from Contracts and memoization for performance with SWR
  • web3-react for ease of connecting to Web3 providers with a solid API
  • Auto-generates types for the contract ABIs in the /contracts folder via TypeChain

Auto Contract Type Generation

Note: After adding in your new contract ABIs (in JSON format) to the /contracts folder, run yarn compile-contract-types to generate the types.

You can import these types when declaring a new Contract hook. The types generated show the function params and return types of your functions, among other helpful types.

import MY_CONTRACT_ABI from "../contracts/MY_CONTRACT.json";
import type { MY_CONTRACT } from "../contracts/types";
import useContract from "./useContract";

export default function useMyContract() {

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.js. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!