
Easy preservation of web content you care about.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Easy preservation of web content you care about.


The project license is specified in COPYING.

escriba is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

escriba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>


We adopt git hooks via pre-commit in order to run formatting before the commit process. This approach has some really nice advantages:

  • IDE agnostic
  • Runs automatically (i.e. unforgivable) on the code that is changing
  • Enforces style consistency in the codebase
  • Prevent style bikeshedding
  • Helps create smaller diffs

Why Black?

Black is a highly opinionated code formatter. Black focuses on reformatting your code files in place for you. When you're comfortable with black taking over the minutiae of hand formatting you will see that you can focus more on the content of your code than formatting it properly.

Install pre-commit

Install the pre-commit hook running the script below inside the project root directory:

cat <<EOF > .git/hooks/pre-commit
black --check .
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit

Coding standards

Naming stuff

Whenever in doubt, prefer nouns in singular:

  • DO write view.py
  • do NOT write views.py
  • DO create table user
  • do NOT create table users

Importing stuff

We always import the modules and avoid rebinding the symbol names:

  • DO import datetime
  • do NOT from datetime import timedelta
  • DO import collections.abc as abc
  • do NOT from collections import abc

We group imports in 3 sections, in the following order. Within each section, imports should be lexically sorted:

  1. Standard library
  2. 3rd party library
  3. Our own code

Technical Notes

User interface

The main user interface will be a web dashboard, so we can easily interact with Escriba from personal laptops and smartphones.

For the dashboard, a proven WSGI framework and web server like Flask was chosen. Adopting ASGI would be nice, but we do not require HTTP/2 nor Websockets. For now the user interface is expected to be so simple and boring that anything should suffice. Nothing radical here, just a quick way to show some progress and present our app to less technical users.

Distributed computation platform

At its core, Escriba is a limited but tireless archivist working fulltime to preserve web content. This behaviour requires a component outside of web server request-reply loop which, working independently of user interaction, is designated a daemon.

The biggest challenge will be the task dispatcher and supervisor. We do NOT want to simply push tasks into a queue and hope for the best, but to be able to inspect them and monitor their state. This means that tasks queues like Celery or Huey are not enough. Message brokers like RabbitMQ are out of question as well.

The daemon performs remote procedure calls inside a grid of heteregeneous and not-always-online nodes. Interesting as it sounds, we prefer trusting the hard-but-common problems to proven libraries. In the hope of finding a nice fit for our problem domain, the following software solutions were evaluated:

We are interested in frameworks which are able to:

  • Support synchronous and asynchronous invocation
  • Dispatch tasks based on remote node capabilities (ie service discovery)
  • Take care of nodes joining or leaving the network
  • Handle workload balancing and node failures
  • Collect results from workers
  • Extend RPC with distributed futures (mostly for handling files on remote nodes)
  • Handle large results (e.g. video files)
  • Leaning towards grid computing instead of cluster computing

After careful consideration of each of these options we realized that job distribution and control is our core functionality and as such we cannot afford to outsource it to some out-of-shelve framework. This decision aligns with what Joel was telling us back in 2001.

The roadmap then is to use zeromq, a comprehensive messaging library, as foundation and develop the job handling and cluster management logic ourselves.

Problem domain

Using Erlang's Architecture Model as a reference, we can adapt it to notice the following properties about Escriba:

  1. The system must be able to handle a high number of concurrent activities
  2. Actions must be performed at a certain point in time or within a certain time
  3. Systems may be distributed over several computers
  4. The system is used to interact with network resources
  5. The software system is small
  6. The system is a facade for a composite of complex tools
  7. The system may be in intermitent operation with months apart each execution
  8. Stopping the system for software maintainance is not a problem
  9. There are moderate quality, and reliability requirements
  10. Fault tolerance both to hardware failures, software failures and network failures, must be provided

Concurrent - Escriba perform a reasonable number of mostly independent tasks. As most of these independent tasks are bounded by the remote web servers capacity, which have an unpredictable latency, a concurrent system is required.

Soft real-time - many operations have to be performed within a specific time. As web content becomes increasingly ephemeral over time, acting quickly on web content we care about may make the difference between a preserved copy and a 404 Not Found, or the difference between having an offline copy available before a trip and depending on slow and expensive mobile connection. Some of these timed operations may be strictly enforced, in the sense that if a given operation does not succeed within a given time interval then the entire operation will be aborted. Other operations are merely monitored with some form of timer, the operation being reported if the timer event triggers before the operation has completed. Programming such system requires manipulating many tens of thousands of timers in an efficient manner.

Distributed - the web content is becoming more dynamic over time. As most web content is made for humans to access, synchronously, in a personal computing device, its adequate reprodution may raise computing power requirements prohibitly for a single-node. Nevertheless, geo-restrictions are incredible common, and content is adapted for user screen size and device type. Farming computing resources of distributed devices, heterogeneus hardware and remote nodes located far away should be made trivial.

Network interaction - compared to local computing, the web is slow, faulty and unsafe. Some errors are temporary and may be fixed by the built-in mechanisms of networking tools. Other errors, may be produced by uncooperactive agents, working actively to disrupt the collection of web content and any autonomous non-human activity. These errors may disappear when throling is applied, may require cookies and other techniques to certificate our daemon is playing fairly, or need creative adversarial interoperability tactics. Blindly trusting each other is rarely a sane idea, even more in a web environment. The web is infested of malware, misconfigured systems and badly intentioned agents. For being a nice netizen (net citizen) we must validate the safety and correctness of what is consumed, and show ourselves in a respectful manner, with transparency and fair usage of public and shared resources.

Small size - Escriba size is trivial

Complex functionaly - web browsing have complex endeavor. The good side is that we do not need to reinvent the wheel and can use a vast number of free and open source tools to assist us. The bad side is that these tools abstract, but do not eliminate, the web complexity and, when things go badly, as they inevitably do, some of that complexity may surface to us through leaky abstractions. Escriba take the burden of handling all the edge cases and specificities of each tool to present a clean and uniform interface for our users.

Intermitent operation - archivist systems are not mission critical, and may often operate in burst mode: a lot of work is received concomitantly, pushing the system to its limits, and then nothing else happens for a long time.

Maintainance - Downtime is not an issue

Quality requirements - errors build distrust and may prevent the users of adhering to the archivist software-assisted routine. Escriba should run with an acceptable level of service even in the presence of errors to justify its adoption.

Fault tolerance - From the outset we know that faults will occur, and that we must design a software and network infrastructure that can deal with these faults, and provide an acceptable level of service even in the presence of faults.

Concurrency model

At the present, PEP 703 is expected to be accepted by the Python Steering Council. Which, as good as it sounds, means that we still have to work with the GIL for some few years more. Until then, that means that Python offers us 3 models of concurrency:

  • proccess: concurrent and parallel-capable execution, preemptive scheduling
  • thread: concurrent execution, preemptive scheduling
  • coroutine: concurrent execution, cooperative scheduling

Each concurrency model has its benefits and drawbacks and we intend to choose when to use each one counsciously.

We partition the software into a number of independent processes that reflect all the truly concurrent tasks in our real world activity. A system which is designed to be implemented as a number of independent concurrent processes can be implemented on a multi-processor or run on a distributed network of processors. Each independent activity should be performed in a completely isolated process. Such processes should share no data, and only communicate by message passing.

When we partition a problem into a number of concurrent processes we can arrange that all the processes respond to the same messages (ie they are polymorphic,) and that they follow the same message passing interface.

Since nothing is shared, everything necessary to perform a distributed computation must be copied.

As the operating system processes and threads are not lightweight, within each parallel process we adopt cooperative multitasking as much as viable for a high degree of concurrency and efficiency.

Storage layer

As for the object storage, we may use just a plain filesystem. It's a simple and dependency-free path, but the sheer number of objects may slow us down unless we take some precautions. When I tested Archivebox, it became unusable around 10k pages. Escriba must handle that easily and reach even 1 million pages before breaking a sweat.

The industry standard nowadays uses an S3-compatible API for object storage. MinIO comes to mind as a solution suited for both enterprise and single node deployment. GarageHQ and SeaweedFS appear as less glamorous but more selfhost tailored.

Despite these options, we may not escape implementing a basic object storage within the file system. Some people may not hold enough data to justify a full-blow object storage and/or may want to live dependency free for whatever reason. Our "easy to use" core value should guide our choice here.

Considering that each page saved is stored in their UUID-named directory, we can create a nested layout, similar to how git stores the blobs internally. Take the first byte in a UUID hex string and turn it into a parent folder. This gives us 256 first level folders to subdivide our entire collection into balanced directories. To reach 1 million pages saved without slowing us down, we may even create a middle layer using the UUID 2nd byte. This should suffice for anyone who does not need a proper object storage.

Content-addressable Storage

I feel that Escriba will develop towards a Content-addresable storage instead of a Location-based storage. The first reason is because that approach will bring us some resilience against the evolving layout of the underneath filesystem. The second reason is because CAS systems ensure that the files within them are unique, and because changing the file will result in a new key, CAS systems provide assurance that the file is unchanged. That means that a CAS would bring us the desired properties of data deduplication and integrity.